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HSE Policy | B&Q Dredging

HSE Policy

B&Q as part of its Corporate Policy considers Community Affairs, Safety, Health, Environment and Security issues to have equal status with other business objectives.
Therefore effective project planning and considerations with specific relevance to protection of life, property and environment are critical issues to its concern in its project execution and implementation criteria through:

  • The elimination of all forms of Hazard and the preservation of the Health and Safety of its employees, sub-contractors and third parties.
  • Maintenance of plant and equipment in safe and proper condition.
  • Investigation of any accident to ascertain causes in order to eliminate them and forestall future occurrence.
  • Insurance of strict compliance of its sub-contractors with the terms of this policy.
  • Recognition of excellence in safety and the provision of a safe and secure work environment.
  • Establishment of a good rapport with the members of the host communities and other persons that may be affected by B&Q activities.

Stipulated penalty in accordance with company regulation shall be employed. Should there be violation of CASHES policy.



Foremost Nigerian Dredging Company with
International Posture