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Quality Policy | B&Q Dredging

Quality Policy

For B&Q Dredging Limited, Quality is one of the most important means for achieving the objectives of the company's business strategy. The concept of quality for B&Q Dredging Limited includes all the various aspects and features of a product or service with the aim to satisfy our clients expect actions and requirements.

The realisation of these quality objectives while keeping the basic objectives of operating as an integrated energy, oil and gas services company, depends on the quality of personnel, on the adequacy of organisation commitment to work and above all, on everybody's attitude to the problem of quality.

From the above view, the management of B&Q Dredging Limited will ensure that:

  • The personnel are highly skilled in their field of activity and undergo periodic training.
  • responsibilities, authorities of the different work phases are clearly defined and documented.
  • the quality system is properly maintained and documented.

B&Q Dredging Limited QA/QC management has got the necessary authority and freedom of volition to check that the system is correctly implemented and to propose and start any corrective action whenever deemed necessary. The overall authority for the establishment and implementation of the quality assurance of B&Q Dredging Limited is assigned to the QA/QC department manager and the QA/QC department shall report directly to the Manager Operations and from there the President.



Foremost Nigerian Dredging Company with
International Posture